History of Burley Tobacco

Burley tobacco leaves drying in a barn

Embark on a captivating journey through the world of Burley tobacco, a key ingredient in many classic pipe tobacco blends. Discover its rich history, unique characteristics, and the art of growing and curing this flavorful leaf. Uncover the secrets behind crafting the perfect blend and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Burley tobacco.

Origins and Early Cultivation

Burley tobacco has a rich history that dates back to the 19th century. It was first discovered in the fields of Kentucky, where a farmer named George Webb noticed a unique strain of tobacco with a lighter color and distinct flavor. He began cultivating this new variety, which eventually became known as Burley tobacco. The popularity of Burley tobacco grew rapidly, and it soon became a staple in the tobacco industry.

Expansion and Popularity

As the demand for Burley tobacco increased, its cultivation expanded beyond Kentucky to other states in the United States, such as Tennessee, Ohio, and Indiana. The unique characteristics of Burley tobacco made it a popular choice for pipe tobacco blends, and it quickly gained a reputation for its smooth, flavorful smoke.

Appearance and Growth

Burley tobacco plants are characterized by their large, broad leaves and sturdy stalks. The leaves have a light, air-cured appearance, which is a result of the natural curing process that Burley tobacco undergoes. This process gives the leaves their distinct light brown color and contributes to their unique flavor profile.

Flavor Profile

Burley tobacco is known for its mild, nutty flavor and smooth, slow-burning properties. It has a low sugar content, which results in a more subdued sweetness compared to other tobacco varieties. The flavor of Burley tobacco is often described as earthy, with hints of cocoa and a slight tanginess.

Planting and Cultivation

Growing Burley tobacco requires careful attention to detail and a specific set of conditions. The seeds are typically planted in early spring, and the plants require well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight to thrive. As the plants grow, they are carefully tended to ensure optimal growth and leaf development.

Harvesting and Curing

Once the Burley tobacco plants have reached maturity, they are harvested by hand, with the leaves being carefully removed from the stalks. The leaves are then hung in curing barns, where they undergo a natural air-curing process. This process can take several weeks and is crucial for developing the distinct flavor and appearance of Burley tobacco.

Classic Blends and Mixtures

Burley tobacco has long been a staple in pipe tobacco blends, thanks to its unique flavor profile and slow-burning properties. It is often used as a base for various mixtures, providing a smooth, consistent smoke that complements other tobacco varieties. Some classic pipe tobacco blends featuring Burley tobacco include Half and Half, Prince Albert, and Sir Walter Raleigh.

Crafting the Perfect Blend

Creating the perfect pipe tobacco blend is an art form that requires a careful balance of flavors and textures. Burley tobacco is often used in conjunction with other tobacco varieties, such as Virginia and Latakia, to create a harmonious and satisfying smoking experience. The mild, nutty flavor of Burley tobacco serves as an excellent foundation for more complex and nuanced blends.

Economic Impact

Burley tobacco has played a significant role in the tobacco industry, contributing to the livelihoods of countless farmers and workers. Its popularity in pipe tobacco blends has ensured a steady demand for this unique variety, and its cultivation continues to be an important aspect of the tobacco industry in the United States.

Modern Burley Tobacco Production

Over the years, advancements in technology and agricultural practices have led to improvements in the cultivation and processing of Burley tobacco. Modern techniques, such as precision agriculture and advanced curing methods, have allowed for more efficient and consistent production of high-quality Burley tobacco.

What are the main characteristics of burley tobacco?

The main characteristics of Burley tobacco include:

  1. Light air-cured tobacco: Burley tobacco is primarily used for cigarette production and is known for its light air-cured properties .
  2. Low sugar content: It contains little sugar, which results in a more subdued sweetness compared to other tobacco varieties .
  3. Mild, nutty flavor: Burley tobacco has a mild, nutty flavor with hints of cocoa and a slight tanginess .
  4. Appearance: The leaves of Burley tobacco have a light brown color, which is a result of the natural air-curing process .
  5. Growth: Burley tobacco plants have large, broad leaves and sturdy stalks, and they require well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight to thrive .
  6. Curing process: Burley tobacco is air-cured by hanging the leaves in curing barns for several weeks, which contributes to its distinct flavor and appearance .
  7. Popularity in pipe tobacco blends: Due to its smooth, consistent smoke and ability to complement other tobacco varieties, Burley tobacco is popular in pipe tobacco blends .

What are the different ways burley tobacco is used in cigarette production?

Burley tobacco is primarily used in cigarette production due to its unique characteristics . Some of the main ways Burley tobacco is used in cigarette production include:

  1. As a base tobacco: Burley tobacco’s low sugar content and mild, nutty flavor make it an ideal base tobacco for blending with other tobacco types in cigarette production .
  2. Air-curing: The air-curing process of Burley tobacco contributes to its distinct flavor and appearance, making it suitable for use in cigarettes .
  3. High nicotine content: Burley tobacco typically has a relatively high nicotine content, which can contribute to the overall strength and satisfaction of a cigarette .
  4. Flavor enhancement: The mild, nutty flavor of Burley tobacco can be used to enhance the overall flavor profile of a cigarette blend .

It is important to note that Burley tobacco is not only used in cigarette production but also in pipe tobacco blends due to its smooth, consistent smoke and ability to complement other tobacco varieties .

How is burley tobacco different from other types of tobacco?

Burley tobacco is different from other types of tobacco in several ways:

  1. Air-cured: Unlike some other tobacco types, Burley tobacco is air-cured, which involves hanging the leaves in curing barns for several weeks. This process contributes to its distinct flavor and appearance .
  2. Low sugar content: Burley tobacco has a low sugar content, resulting in a more subdued sweetness compared to other tobacco varieties like Virginia tobacco .
  3. Mild, nutty flavor: The flavor profile of Burley tobacco is mild and nutty, with hints of cocoa and a slight tanginess .
  4. Light brown color: The leaves of Burley tobacco have a light brown color, which is a result of the natural air-curing process .
  5. Thicker leaves: Burley tobacco leaves are slightly thicker than Virginia leaves, which allows them to absorb more flavorings during the casing process .
  6. Popular in pipe tobacco blends: Burley tobacco is popular in pipe tobacco blends due to its smooth, consistent smoke and its ability to complement other tobacco varieties .

These characteristics make Burley tobacco a unique and versatile tobacco variety, used in various tobacco products such as cigarettes, pipe tobacco blends, and roll-your-own products .

What are the most common uses of burley tobacco?

The most common uses of Burley tobacco include:

  1. Cigarette production: Burley tobacco is primarily used for cigarette production due to its light air-cured properties, low sugar content, and mild, nutty flavor .
  2. Pipe tobacco blends: Burley tobacco is popular in pipe tobacco blends because of its smooth, consistent smoke and its ability to complement other tobacco varieties .
  3. Chewing tobacco: Burley tobacco is also used in chewing tobacco products due to its robust aroma and strong, almost cigar-like taste .
  4. Roll-your-own products: Burley tobacco is used in roll-your-own tobacco products, as it is commonly found in American blend cigarettes .

How is burley tobacco used in cigar production?

Burley tobacco is not commonly used in cigar production. Instead, cigar production typically involves the use of other tobacco varieties, such as Havana seed, Cuban, and Sumatra varieties, which are used for cigar wrappers, fillers, and binders . Burley tobacco is primarily used for cigarette production and pipe tobacco blends due to its light air-cured properties, low sugar content, and mild, nutty flavor .


Burley tobacco has a rich history and a unique set of characteristics that have made it a staple in the world of pipe tobacco. From its origins in Kentucky to its role in crafting unforgettable blends, Burley tobacco continues to be an essential component of the tobacco industry. Its smooth, mild flavor and slow-burning properties make it a favorite among pipe smokers, ensuring its enduring popularity and significance.

Technical sources:

  1. Burley Tobacco Extension – University of Kentucky
  2. Burley Tobacco Production Guide – VTechWorks
  3. Burley Tobacco Quality: A Comprehensive Guide
  4. Burley – The University Press of Kentucky
  5. Burley – The University Press of Kentucky


  • Burley tobacco is produced in an eight-state belt in the United States, with approximately 70% produced in Kentucky and 20% in Tennessee .
  • In 2021, Kentucky burley tobacco production was estimated at 71.8 million pounds, with a yield of 2,050 pounds per acre and harvested acreage of 35,000 acres .


  1. What is Burley tobacco? Burley tobacco is a light air-cured tobacco used primarily for cigarette production. It is known for its mild, nutty flavor and smooth, slow-burning properties .
  2. Where is Burley tobacco grown? Burley tobacco is mainly grown in the United States, particularly in Kentucky and Tennessee. It is also produced in other countries, including Brazil, Malawi, and Argentina .
  3. How is Burley tobacco cured? Burley tobacco is air-cured, which involves hanging the leaves in curing barns for several weeks. This process contributes to the distinct flavor and appearance of Burley tobacco .
  4. What are the characteristics of Burley tobacco? Burley tobacco has a light brown color, low sugar content, and a mild, nutty flavor with hints of cocoa and a slight tanginess .
  5. Why is Burley tobacco popular in pipe tobacco blends? Burley tobacco is popular in pipe tobacco blends due to its smooth, consistent smoke and its ability to complement other tobacco varieties .
  6. How is Burley tobacco planted and cultivated? Burley tobacco seeds are typically planted in early spring, and the plants require well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight to thrive. The plants are carefully tended to ensure optimal growth and leaf development .
  7. When is Burley tobacco harvested? Burley tobacco is harvested once the plants have reached maturity. The leaves are carefully removed from the stalks by hand and then hung in curing barns for the air-curing process .
  8. What are some classic pipe tobacco blends featuring Burley tobacco? Some classic pipe tobacco blends featuring Burley tobacco include Half and Half, Prince Albert, and Sir Walter Raleigh .
  9. What is the economic impact of Burley tobacco? Burley tobacco has played a significant role in the tobacco industry, contributing to the livelihoods of countless farmers and workers. Its popularity in pipe tobacco blends has ensured a steady demand for this unique variety .
  10. What are some modern advancements in Burley tobacco production? Modern advancements in technology and agricultural practices have led to improvements in the cultivation and processing of Burley tobacco, such as precision agriculture and advanced curing methods .


  1. Burley: Kentucky Tobacco in a New Century by Ann K. Ferrell
  2. A History of Burley Tobacco in East Tennessee & Western North Carolina by Billy Yeargin

Sources of information:

  1. Burley Tobacco Extension – University of Kentucky https://www2.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/ID/ID160/ID160.pdf
  2. Burley Tobacco Production Guide – VTechWorks https://www.daviessky.org/farmers-transition-to-cigar-wrapper-tobacco/
  3. Burley Tobacco Quality: A Comprehensive Guide https://burleytobaccoextension.ca.uky.edu/files/aeu-93_burley_curing_technology.pdf
  4. Burley – The University Press of Kentucky https://www.kentuckypress.com/9780813142333/burley
  5. Burley – The University Press of Kentucky https://www.oxbowbooks.com/oxbow/burley-58069.html


  1. Burley Mechanization | NC State Extension – Tobacco Growers Information https://tobacco.ces.ncsu.edu/tobacco-burley-mechanization/
  2. Burley (tobacco) – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burley_(tobacco)
  3. Burley Tobacco Variety Information | NC State Extension https://tobacco.ces.ncsu.edu/burley-tobacco-variety-information/
  4. Burley: Kentucky Tobacco in a New Century (Kentucky Remembered) – Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/Burley-Kentucky-Tobacco-Century-Remembered/dp/0813167582
  5. Burley – The University Press of Kentucky https://www.kentuckypress.com/9780813142333/burley